Initially Immigration Voice was claiming that 10,000 people would show up. This is about 100 at most. I don't think 100 people will even be noticed in Washington DC.
Perhaps our numbers were not 10,000 strong - but there were definitey more than 100 people present. It generally takes more than one attempt to have a successful rally that is really noticed in Washington DC. If you want to see the numbers, YOU need to be there! If you cannot be there, support those who do go - don't make their effort seem small. It takes great courage and organization and more than one attempt to be successful in bringing 10,000 people to a rally. Maybe the next one will be the big one!
Shariv, These photos were taken with a cell phone camera which cud only capture 1/4 of the panorama. So don't base ur judgement on what u see in one single photo. Besides, the real crux of the campaign was meeting lawmakers and on the first day itself we had 110 + successful meetings. So irrespective of what armchair 'commenters' like u say, this movement now has its own momentum. It's easy to sit at home and bitch about the GC delays but it takes courage of conviction to go out and do something about it. I am proud to have attended the rally.
Initially Immigration Voice was claiming that 10,000 people would show up. This is about 100 at most. I don't think 100 people will even be noticed in Washington DC.
Perhaps our numbers were not 10,000 strong - but there were definitey more than 100 people present. It generally takes more than one attempt to have a successful rally that is really noticed in Washington DC. If you want to see the numbers, YOU need to be there! If you cannot be there, support those who do go - don't make their effort seem small. It takes great courage and organization and more than one attempt to be successful in bringing 10,000 people to a rally. Maybe the next one will be the big one!
These photos were taken with a cell phone camera which cud only capture 1/4 of the panorama. So don't base ur judgement on what u see in one single photo. Besides, the real crux of the campaign was meeting lawmakers and on the first day itself we had 110 + successful meetings. So irrespective of what armchair 'commenters' like u say, this movement now has its own momentum. It's easy to sit at home and bitch about the GC delays but it takes courage of conviction to go out and do something about it. I am proud to have attended the rally.
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