If it says 00:35 on my watch, it seems like the night is still young, anyway.
Yes, folks, your brave heroes are burning the midnight oil to make sure tomorrow's very important day goes as smoothly as possible.
"Drill Sargent Logiclife" has well and truly made sure we have been completely... Ummm... Drilled
We are now a crack team of lobbying commandoes with the lofty, nay, historic goal to meet with 1/2 of the Congress members.
"Our Mightly Leader Waldenpond" has been both mighty and Leader like.
I'm off to press the suit and read my notes. An early start in the morning requires at least a little sleep. Tomorrow will be big, Tuesday will be HUGE!!!
Come and enjoy the fun while it lasts!
For now, your intrepid reporter is signing out.
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Go get 'em!
Keep the updates rolling in... there are eager eyes waiting to read and imagine how wonderful it would have been to be there.
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